“Stop-Piracy”? Kavalier Appropriated

Photograph by Digitale Allmend. Ostermundigen, Bern Jan. 31, 2007:

Stop-Piracy Plakat. Schwarzer Text: Daten- und Softwareklau gelten als Kavaliersdelikt.  Dann ist also jemand, der andere um den Lohn bringt, ein  Kavalier? Play fair. Stop Piracy. Beigefügt in grün: Bill G. Reichster Kavalier der Welt
Update: I wanted to post what follows in the comments, in answer to Michael’s “hier sind noch 2 andere:
http://www.20min.ch/news/wirtschaft/story/22580246 “. Somehow it doesn’t work there, so I am doing it here:
Thanks Michael – actually this morning Daniel suggested adding a ref. to www.werbewoche.ch/newsmail070205_piracy.werbewoche, which seems to be the source of the 20minuten story. The Werbwoche has this piece of advice:

Aus der ganzen Geschichte lassen sich in den Augen der Werbewoche folgende Schlussfolgerungen für die Werbewelt ziehen: 1. Vermeiden Sie in Ihren Plakaten Weissraum – dann entgehen Sie solchen naseweisen Zusätzen. 2. Suchen Sie den unbekannten Schmierer und stellen Sie ihn als Texter ein.

Somehow, I don’t really think “Schmierer” would be easily enticed to work as “Texter” for Stop-Piracy. But if I were – devil forbid – one of the Stop-Piracy initiators – rather than just sticking the same poster on the commented one, I’d create a variation explicitly inveiting people to answer. And I’d offer a portal on the Stop-Piracy site where folks could post pictures of their comments via cell phone. And then I’d make a new series of posters responding to the comments, and so on.
Per se the slogans are inane, be it on posters or on the stop-piracy website – but maybe they could work as a trigger for discussion.

A propos of the site, the IGE‘s continued disregard for accessibility rules (1) means that the slogans cannot indexed by search engines: no alternative text for the one in the very short flash intro http://www.stop-piracy.ch/img/intro_de_neu.swf that fades away from the home page after a fraction of second. And on the site itself, the slogans appear as jpg images with always the same alternative text: “kopfbild”in all languages. Well, “all languages” in a manner of speaking, as IGE and their buddies once again are disregarding the Itailan and Romantsch minorities. As did IFPI when it launched its Game Over “pirate hunt”. As did the IT industry and business tycoons when they launched ePower für die Schweiz. At times belonging to a discriminated minority has its silver lining…

(1) see Stellungnahmen betr. Vernehmlassung zur Revision des Urheberrechtsgesetzes, where all the position papers are presented as photographic PDFs, hence inaccessible and unindexable too.

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